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The “Present”

  The “Present” I often share what I've learned from the “devil’s playbook” and the importance of being aware of his tactics. He’s still...

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The “Present”

 The “Present”

I often share what I've learned from the “devil’s playbook” and the importance of being aware of his tactics. He’s still using the same tricks he used to deceived 1/3 of the angels, Adam and Eve, throughout the history of humanity, and to this day. 

A recent revelation God has given me to share, concerns the dangers of living beyond the present. Dwelling on the past, either on pain you have experienced or pleasure that you no longer have, can lead to depression. Fear or apprehension of the future defines anxiety. These disabling conditions are rampant in our world today and are both tactics used by the enemy to keep us from fulfilling the purpose God has for us each day.

Loving and trusting other people often unfortunately leads to disappointment and at times physical and psychological pain and resentment. Forgiveness is of paramount importance for moving forward and for the benefit of our health. But how do we?

When hurt by someone we love we can be tortured by relentless thoughts about and reliving of the events. Our beautiful mind becomes a prison. We are cut to the core over and over, and this cycle can be seemingly beyond our control. 

We may also experience fear of being hurt again, the desire to protect and guard our hearts and minds, the inability to trust, bitterness, animosity, or distance. This “survival” or self preservation approach leads to damaged relationships not only with the ones who hurt us, but with others in our lives, and in developing new relationships. 

We know God has clearly commanded us to forgive. And we have tried. But what do we do about this relentless torture from not being able to forget and move on. 

We must be aware that remembering the past is a conscious effort that we have control of. It's your choice and one that must be resuscitated over and over. God chooses to forgive our sins and separate them from us as far from the east is to the west (Psalm 103:12). Our perfect and loving Creator, and our Savior, are subjected to the pain of humanity’s willful breaking of the laws that are for our good, our sin, incessantly day after day. And somehow He continues to love, forgive, and bless us over and over. His goodness constantly pursues us (Psalm 139). How can we understand His love despite the pain we cause Him but more importantly how can we afford to hold others to a standard we aren't held to. We never have and never will deserve God’s love but He chooses to give it to us anew each day and He leaves our past in the past

When the enemy uses the past or fear of the future, as a weapon to defeat you, destroy a relationship, or to cause pain, remember that it is just that- a weapon being used against you. In that moment choose to pray, allow God to speak to you through the Holy Spirit and scripture, redirect your thoughts on things that are good and holy (Philippians4:8-9). This may be something you have to do constantly for a while but it's the only way to remove this weapon from the enemy's hand.

If you are in a marriage where your partner has hurt you in the past and you are both choosing to commit to the preservation of the relationship, the only way to be healthy is to live in the present moment, day after day. It is not healthy, nor helpful, to rehash what happened or to know more about or why it happened. Being faithful will always be an option to each of you and there is no way to guarantee another person’s faithfulness. We are all given free will, the freedom to make good or bad choices. Without that freedom there is no love, but true love is choosing to be faithful and true to one another and to God (Deuteronomy 30:19-20).

Realize the present is an invaluable gift. Make the most of today. Count your blessings. Be grateful for and ask God what He would have you do with another day of the wonderful gift of life He has blessed you with. And go do it! Each day God chooses to give you life means He has a purpose for you. There's nothing better than choosing to serve the Most High with everything you have. Don't allow the enemy to steal your power and your joy!

“‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’” (Numbers‬ ‭6:24-26‬ ) This I pray over you and your relationships, in Jesus name. ❤️✝️

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021

Monday, September 19, 2016

Be the best box you can be

Ever felt unworthy?

I have always questioned God, asking why He would continually bless such a sinful fool who continues to fail to be righteous over and over again despite knowing the law and the consequences.

I know that Jesus' ultimate sacrifice is what allows God to see us as clean, worthy souls, but I still struggle with the continuous feeling of being unworthy and questioning His goodness to me.

Yesterday I heard a portion of a message from Jenson Franklin that gave me a new perspective. He said to imagine ordering a pizza and when the delivery arrives you open the door to see the driver holding your pizza in their bare hand (not knowing where that hand has been or when said hand was last washed). As you watch your cheese running down their arm you ask, "where's the box"?! He illustrated how a pizza box costs about 39 cents but has so much more worth when it comes to getting your pizza delivered and what gives the box it's great value is what's inside. The box is the vessel.

Wow just wow! The light came on and I finally realized it is true I'm not with much without God, but with Him that all changes.

What a fantastic illustration of how God makes all the difference. My new motto -BE THE BEST BOX YOU CAN BE!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Getting started - the next gen..

Hello all!
So this morning about 3:30 a,m. I woke up and was chatting with God. I was expressing my sorrow for the opportunities I've lost to share the amazing things He's done in my life and the wonderful revelations he has shared with me.

God said - you know.. you have access to the world wide web - share your stories on a blog. As I lay in my cozy bed in the darkness I thought, that's a great idea and snuggled in to return to my slumber, then He said - oh I meant starting right now! In typical God fashion there was no mistaking what He was saying, so I stumble to grab my tablet.

If the technical stumbling blocks are any indication of Lucifer's efforts to hinder this plan, then this is going to be a great tool for God. After a hijacked search engine, 3 different browser attempts, a software update, restart, and a keyboard with a mind of it's own and almost an hour later I am finally getting this thing going, which reminds me - better save this now before I lose it ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Kids Craft Class-TBA

"You can make this"
Craft Class
for Kids (of all ages!)

Saturday, TBA - 2:00p.m.

Wireless Nightlight

Cost $10.00 (All Supplies Included)
Hobby Lobby - Northport, AL

Please call or text Annette at 205-792-4999
to reserve your space.